Rabu, 30 November 2016

Lose Weight While Playing Game

Lose Weight While Playing Game
JAKARTA,  Losing weight can be a fun way. One of them, while playing a game such as that performed in clinical weight loss Lighthouse, Jakarta.
By following the weight loss program Lightweight, patients can try aplikasiVirtual Reality which uses advanced technology. Virtual Reality is a picture of everyday life in the home, office, and restaurant or food court, where plenty of food available.
Patients will use the glasses Oculus to look like a real room and also the joystick to move a step. This tool is actually used to play games
However, in this usage, the patient will be taken to see the room, such as a dining table at home, then choose a variety of foods that are already on top of the dining table.
"" The shape is like real food. We see the patient's response will be like when looking at the food. Want to take (food) or not, ' "said Vera Napitupulu Lighthouse Program Manager in his office, Wednesday (07/01/2015).
For example, what food would you take as much available at the dinner table? In fact, you're dieting alias want to lose weight. After selecting the appropriate variety of food habits that occur in the real world, the patient can see the total calories of the food chosen. Thereafter, it will be evaluated by a nutritionist.
"" We teach the knowledge first. If the patient knows fried good baseball, we teach self-control. It must be exercised, "" explained Vera.
In 12 meetings, there are 4 sessions using this virtual reality. The hope, at the next meeting patients may resist the temptation to quantity of food in the house to the office.
In addition, there are also educational games are played using the tablet. There are four games in it. One of them, choosing which foods are low in calories, but the filling of the two images shown.

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